--Western Union:
NAME: Zhang Xiao Chen (First name is Zhang Xiao, Last name is Chen)
CITY: Guangzhou
Country: China
If you use Western Union to finish the payment, please inform us the below information, thanks in advance. Western Union transfer code MTCN, Exact Amount, Sender name and Sender country)
This is the best payment terms we perfer; hope it is workable, thanks.
Western Union Website: Westernunion.com . If you prefer Visa or MasterCard, please register for online payment function at the website of Western Union.
Account Number: info@kalenjewelry.com
PayPal.Me Faster Payment Link: PayPal.Me/KalenJewelry
(We alway ship your order to the Delivery Address of your Paypal. Please make sure that the Delivery Address in your Paypal account is correct before payment. Thank you very much! )
Memo: Paypal website: Paypal.com . Join PayPal Today Now Over 100 million accounts Send money online from 190 countries and regions.
--T/T Payment:
Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ42G
Account Number: 701671520505
Account Name: ZhangXiao Chen
Bank Address:
Street: NO. 258 Gangwan Rd, Huangpu
City: Guangzhou
Province: Guangdong
Country: China
--Discount Level:
What is the level discount of the total amount you will get?
1: US$ 300 -- US$ 499 == 2% ;
2: US$ 500 -- US$ 999 == 3% ;
3: US$ 1000 -- US$ 1999 == 4% ;
4: US$ 2000 -- US$ 3499 == 5% ;
5: US$ 3500 -- US$ 4999 == 6% ;
6: US$ 5000 -- US$ 6999 == 8% ;
7: US$ 7000 -- US$ 8499 == 9% ;
8: US$ 8500 -- US$ 9999 == 10% ;
9: US$ 10000 or more, E-mail us for much better discounts.
For more preferential benefits, please MSN or Email us
PS: When you place order, it can automatically calculate the price, including the shipping cost and discount. |